peculiar (adj.)

  1. beyond or deviating from the usual or expected; a curious hybrid accent; her speech has a funny twang; they have some funny ideas about war; had an odd name; the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves; something definitely queer about this town; what a rum fellow; singular behavior

    [ Syn: curious , funny , odd , queer , rum , rummy , singular ]

  2. unique or specific to a person or thing or category; the particular demands of the job; has a particular preference for Chinese art; a peculiar bond of sympathy between them; an expression peculiar to Canadians; rights peculiar to the rich; the special features of a computer; my own special chair

    [ Syn: particular , special ]

  3. markedly different from the usual; a peculiar hobby of stuffing and mounting bats; a man...feels it a peculiar insult to be taunted with cowardice by a woman-Virginia Woolf

  4. characteristic of one only; distinctive or special; the peculiar character of the Government of the U.S.- R.B.Taney

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