Dictionary - CR

  1. Cr
  2. crab
  3. crab apple
  4. crab cactus
  5. crab cocktail
  6. crab grass
  7. crab legs
  8. crab Louis
  9. crab louse
  10. Crab Nebula
  11. crab-eating dog
  12. crab-eating fox
  13. crab-eating macaque
  14. crab-eating opossum
  15. crab-eating raccoon
  16. crab-eating seal
  17. crabapple
  18. crabapple jelly
  19. crabbed
  20. crabbedness
  21. crabbiness
  22. crabby
  23. crabby person
  24. crabeater seal
  25. crabgrass
  26. crabmeat
  27. crabs
  28. crabwise
  29. Cracidae
  30. crack
  31. crack addict
  32. crack cocaine
  33. crack down
  34. crack of doom
  35. crack shot
  36. crack up
  37. crack willow
  38. crack-up
  39. crackbrained
  40. crackdown
  41. cracked
  42. cracked wheat
  43. cracked-wheat bread
  44. cracker
  45. cracker bonbon
  46. cracker crumbs
  47. cracker-barrel
  48. crackerberry
  49. crackerjack
  50. crackers
  51. cracking
  52. crackle
  53. crackle china
  54. crackleware
  55. crackling
  56. cracklings
  57. crackpot
  58. cracksman
  59. Cracow
  60. Cracticidae
  61. Cracticus
  62. cradle
  63. cradle cap
  64. cradlesong
  65. craft
  66. craft fair
  67. craft union
  68. crafter
  69. craftily
  70. craftiness
  71. craftsman
  72. craftsmanship
  73. crafty
  74. crag
  75. cragfast
  76. cragged
  77. craggy
  78. cragsman
  79. Craig Ventner
  80. Craigie
  81. crake
  82. cram
  83. cram full
  84. Crambe
  85. Crambe maritima
  86. crammer
  87. cramp
  88. cramp iron
  89. crampbark
  90. cramped
  91. crampfish
  92. crampon
  93. crampoon
  94. cran
  95. cranberry
  96. cranberry bush
  97. cranberry culture
  98. cranberry heath
  99. cranberry juice
  100. cranberry sauce
  101. cranberry tree
  102. cranch
  103. Crane
  104. crane fly
  105. cranes bill
  106. cranesbill
  107. Crangon
  108. Crangonidae
  109. cranial
  110. cranial cavity
  111. cranial index
  112. cranial nerve
  113. cranial orbit
  114. Craniata
  115. craniate
  116. craniologist
  117. craniology
  118. craniometer
  119. craniometric
  120. craniometric point
  121. craniometrical
  122. craniometry
  123. craniotomy
  124. cranium
  125. crank
  126. crank call
  127. crank handle
  128. crank letter
  129. crank out
  130. crank up
  131. crankcase
  132. crankiness
  133. crankshaft
  134. cranky
  135. crannied
  136. cranny
  137. crap
  138. crap game
  139. crap shooting
  140. crap up
  141. crap-shooter
  142. crapaud
  143. crape
  144. crape fern
  145. crape jasmine
  146. crape myrtle
  147. crapette
  148. crapper
  149. crappie
  150. crappy
  151. craps
  152. crapshoot
  153. crapshooter
  154. crapulence
  155. crapulent
  156. crapulous
  157. crash
  158. crash barrier
  159. crash course
  160. crash dive
  161. crash helmet
  162. crash land
  163. crash landing
  164. crash program
  165. crash programme
  166. crash-dive
  167. crasher
  168. crashing
  169. Craspedia
  170. crass
  171. crassitude
  172. crassness
  173. Crassostrea
  174. Crassula
  175. Crassulaceae
  176. Crataegus
  177. Crataegus aestivalis
  178. Crataegus apiifolia
  179. Crataegus biltmoreana
  180. Crataegus calpodendron
  181. Crataegus coccinea
  182. Crataegus coccinea mollis
  183. Crataegus crus-galli
  184. Crataegus laevigata
  185. Crataegus marshallii
  186. Crataegus mollis
  187. Crataegus monogyna
  188. Crataegus oxyacantha
  189. Crataegus oxycantha
  190. Crataegus pedicellata
  191. Crataegus tomentosa
  192. crate
  193. crateful
  194. crater
  195. Crater Lake National Park
  196. Crateva
  197. craton
  198. craunch
  199. cravat
  200. crave
  201. craved
  202. craven
  203. cravenness
  204. craving
  205. craw
  206. crawdad
  207. crawdaddy
  208. crawfish
  209. crawfish out
  210. Crawford
  211. crawl
  212. crawl in
  213. crawl space
  214. crawler
  215. crawling
  216. crawlspace
  217. Crax
  218. crayfish
  219. crayon
  220. craze
  221. crazed
  222. crazily
  223. craziness
  224. crazy
  225. crazy bone
  226. Crazy Glue
  227. Crazy Horse
  228. crazy house
  229. crazy quilt
  230. crazy weed
  231. crazyweed
  232. creak
  233. creakily
  234. creaking
  235. creakingly
  236. creaky
  237. cream
  238. cream cheese
  239. cream of tartar
  240. cream off
  241. cream pitcher
  242. cream puff
  243. cream sauce
  244. cream soda
  245. cream violet
  246. cream-colored
  247. cream-colored courser
  248. cream-of-tartar tree
  249. creamcups
  250. creamer
  251. creamery
  252. creaminess
  253. creamy
  254. creamy-colored
  255. creamy-white
  256. creamy-yellow
  257. crease
  258. crease-resistant
  259. creaseless
  260. creaseproof
  261. creashak
  262. create
  263. create by mental act
  264. create from raw material
  265. create from raw stuff
  266. create mentally
  267. create verbally
  268. creatin
  269. creatine
  270. creatine phosphate
  271. creatine phosphoric acid
  272. creating by mental acts
  273. creating by removal
  274. creating from raw materials
  275. creation
  276. creation science
  277. creationism
  278. creative
  279. creative activity
  280. creative person
  281. creative thinker
  282. creative thinking
  283. creatively
  284. creativeness
  285. creativity
  286. Creator
  287. creature
  288. creature comforts
  289. creche
  290. Crecy
  291. cred
  292. credal
  293. credence
  294. credendum
  295. credential
  296. credentialled
  297. credentials
  298. credenza
  299. credibility
  300. credible
  301. credibleness
  302. credibly
  303. credit
  304. credit account
  305. credit analyst
  306. credit application
  307. credit bureau
  308. credit card
  309. credit crunch
  310. credit entry
  311. credit hour
  312. credit line
  313. credit order
  314. credit rating
  315. credit side
  316. credit system
  317. credit union
  318. creditable
  319. creditably
  320. credited
  321. creditor
  322. credits
  323. creditworthiness
  324. creditworthy
  325. credo
  326. credulity
  327. credulous
  328. credulously
  329. credulousness
  330. Cree
  331. creed
  332. creedal
  333. creek
  334. creek bed
  335. Creek Confederacy
  336. creel
  337. creep
  338. creep feed
  339. creep in
  340. creep up
  341. creeper
  342. creepiness
  343. creeping
  344. creeping bellflower
  345. creeping bent
  346. creeping bentgrass
  347. creeping bugle
  348. creeping buttercup
  349. creeping Charlie
  350. creeping crowfoot
  351. creeping fern
  352. creeping Jenny
  353. creeping juniper
  354. creeping lily
  355. creeping oxalis
  356. creeping snowberry
  357. creeping soft grass
  358. creeping spike rush
  359. creeping St Johns wort
  360. creeping thistle
  361. creeping thyme
  362. creeping willow
  363. creeping windmill grass
  364. creeping wintergreen
  365. creeping wood sorrel
  366. creeping zinnia
  367. creeps
  368. creepy
  369. creepy-crawlies
  370. creepy-crawly
  371. creese
  372. cremains
  373. cremate
  374. cremation
  375. cremation chamber
  376. crematorium
  377. crematory
  378. creme anglais
  379. creme brulee
  380. creme caramel
  381. creme de cacao
  382. creme de fraise
  383. creme de menthe
  384. Cremona
  385. crenate
  386. crenate leaf
  387. crenated
  388. crenation
  389. crenature
  390. crenel
  391. crenelate
  392. crenelation
  393. crenellate
  394. crenellation
  395. crenelle
  396. crenulate
  397. crenulated
  398. Creole
  399. creole-fish
  400. creolize
  401. Creon
  402. creosol
  403. creosote
  404. creosote bush
  405. crepe
  406. crepe de Chine
  407. crepe fern
  408. crepe flower
  409. crepe gardenia
  410. crepe jasmine
  411. crepe marocain
  412. crepe myrtle
  413. crepe paper
  414. crepe rubber
  415. crepe Suzette
  416. Crepis
  417. crepitate
  418. crepitation
  419. crepitation rale
  420. crepuscle
  421. crepuscular
  422. crepuscule
  423. crescendo
  424. crescent
  425. crescent roll
  426. crescent wrench
  427. crescent-cell anaemia
  428. crescent-cell anemia
  429. crescent-shaped
  430. Crescentia
  431. Crescentia cujete
  432. cresol
  433. cress
  434. cress green
  435. cress plant
  436. cresson
  437. crest
  438. crested
  439. crested cariama
  440. crested coral root
  441. crested myna
  442. crested penguin
  443. crested screamer
  444. crested swift
  445. crested wheat grass
  446. crested wheatgrass
  447. crestfallen
  448. crestless wave
  449. Cretaceous
  450. Cretaceous period
  451. Cretan
  452. cretan dittany
  453. Crete
  454. crete dittany
  455. cretin
  456. cretinism
  457. cretinous
  458. cretonne
  459. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
  460. crevalle jack
  461. crevasse
  462. crevice
  463. crew
  464. crew cut
  465. crew member
  466. crew neck
  467. crew neckline
  468. crewelwork
  469. crewet
  470. crewman
  471. Crex
  472. Crex crex
  473. crib
  474. crib death
  475. cribbage
  476. cribbage board
  477. Cricetidae
  478. Cricetus
  479. Cricetus cricetus
  480. Crichton
  481. crick
  482. cricket
  483. cricket ball
  484. cricket bat
  485. cricket equipment
  486. cricket frog
  487. cricket match
  488. cricket-bat willow
  489. cricketer
  490. crier
  491. crime
  492. crime rate
  493. crime syndicate
  494. crime wave
  495. Crimea
  496. Crimea-Congo hemorrhagic fever
  497. Crimean War
  498. criminal
  499. criminal congress
  500. criminal contempt
  501. criminal conversation
  502. criminal court
  503. Criminal Intelligence Services of Canada
  504. Criminal Investigation Command
  505. criminal law
  506. criminal maintenance
  507. criminal negligence
  508. criminal offence
  509. criminal offense
  510. criminal possession
  511. criminal prosecution
  512. criminal record
  513. criminal suit
  514. criminalisation
  515. criminalise
  516. criminalism
  517. criminality
  518. criminalization
  519. criminalize
  520. criminally
  521. criminalness
  522. criminate
  523. criminative
  524. criminatory
  525. criminological
  526. criminologist
  527. criminology
  528. crimp
  529. crimper
  530. crimson
  531. crimson clover
  532. crimson-magenta
  533. crimson-purple
  534. crimson-yellow
  535. cringe
  536. cringing
  537. cringle
  538. crinion
  539. crinkle
  540. crinkle root
  541. crinkle-root
  542. crinkled
  543. crinkleroot
  544. crinkly
  545. crinoid
  546. Crinoidea
  547. crinoline
  548. criollo
  549. cripple
  550. crippled
  551. crippling
  552. crisis
  553. crisis intervention
  554. crisp
  555. crispate
  556. crispen
  557. crisphead lettuce
  558. Crispin
  559. crispiness
  560. crisply
  561. crispness
  562. crispy
  563. crisscross
  564. crisscrossed
  565. cristal
  566. Cristobal Balenciaga
  567. Cristobal Colon
  568. cristobalite
  569. Cristoforo Colombo
  570. criterial
  571. criterion
  572. criterional
  573. crith
  574. critic
  575. critical
  576. critical analysis
  577. critical angle
  578. critical appraisal
  579. critical mass
  580. critical point
  581. critical review
  582. criticality
  583. critically
  584. criticalness
  585. criticise
  586. criticism
  587. criticize
  588. critique
  589. critter
  590. critter sitter
  591. Crius
  592. Crixivan
  593. Crna Gora
  594. CRO
  595. Cro-magnon
  596. croak
  597. croaker
  598. croaking
  599. croaky
  600. Croat
  601. Croatia
  602. Croatian
  603. Crocanthemum canadense
  604. Crocethia
  605. Crocethia alba
  606. crochet
  607. crochet hook
  608. crochet needle
  609. crochet stitch
  610. crocheting
  611. crock
  612. Crock Pot
  613. crock up
  614. crocked
  615. crockery
  616. crocket
  617. crocketed
  618. Crockett
  619. crocodile
  620. crocodile bird
  621. Crocodile River
  622. crocodile tears
  623. Crocodilia
  624. crocodilian
  625. crocodilian reptile
  626. Crocodilus
  627. Crocodylia
  628. Crocodylidae
  629. Crocodylus
  630. Crocodylus niloticus
  631. Crocodylus porosus
  632. crocolite
  633. crocus
  634. Crocus sativus
  635. Crocuta
  636. Crocuta crocuta
  637. Croesus
  638. croft
  639. crofter
  640. Crohn
  641. Crohns disease
  642. croissant
  643. Croix de Guerre
  644. cromlech
  645. cromorne
  646. Cromwell
  647. Cromwellian
  648. Cronartium
  649. Cronartium ribicola
  650. crone
  651. cronk
  652. Cronus
  653. crony
  654. cronyism
  655. Cronyn
  656. croo monkey
  657. crook
  658. crookback
  659. crookbacked
  660. crooked
  661. crooked-stemmed aster
  662. crookedly
  663. crookedness
  664. Crookes
  665. Crookes radiometer
  666. Crookes tube
  667. crookneck
  668. crookneck squash
  669. croon
  670. crooner
  671. crooning
  672. crop
  673. crop failure
  674. crop out
  675. crop up
  676. crop-dusting
  677. cropped
  678. cropper
  679. croquet
  680. croquet ball
  681. croquet equipment
  682. croquet mallet
  683. croquette
  684. crore
  685. Crosby
  686. crosier
  687. cross
  688. cross bit
  689. cross bun
  690. cross country
  691. cross dressing
  692. cross examine
  693. cross hair
  694. cross infection
  695. cross of Calvary
  696. cross of Lorraine
  697. cross off
  698. cross oneself
  699. cross out
  700. cross product
  701. cross question
  702. cross section
  703. cross street
  704. cross thwart
  705. cross vine
  706. cross wire
  707. cross-banded
  708. cross-check
  709. cross-classification
  710. cross-country
  711. cross-country jumping
  712. cross-country riding
  713. cross-country skiing
  714. cross-cultural
  715. cross-division
  716. cross-dress
  717. cross-dresser
  718. cross-examination
  719. cross-examiner
  720. cross-eye
  721. cross-eyed
  722. cross-fertilisation
  723. cross-fertilise
  724. cross-fertilization
  725. cross-fertilize
  726. cross-file
  727. Cross-Florida Waterway
  728. cross-grained
  729. cross-index
  730. cross-leaved heath
  731. cross-legged
  732. cross-linguistic
  733. cross-linguistically
  734. cross-link
  735. cross-linkage
  736. cross-modal
  737. cross-ply
  738. cross-pollinate
  739. cross-pollinating
  740. cross-pollination
  741. cross-purpose
  742. cross-question
  743. cross-questioner
  744. cross-refer
  745. cross-reference
  746. cross-section
  747. cross-sectional
  748. cross-sentential
  749. cross-shaped
  750. cross-stitch
  751. cross-town
  752. crossbar
  753. crossbeam
  754. crossbench
  755. crossbencher
  756. crossbill
  757. crossbones
  758. crossbow
  759. crossbred
  760. crossbreed
  761. crossbreeding
  762. crosscheck
  763. crosscurrent
  764. crosscut
  765. crosscut handsaw
  766. crosscut saw
  767. crosse
  768. crossed
  769. crossed eye
  770. crossfire
  771. crosshairs
  772. crosshatch
  773. crosshatched
  774. crosshead
  775. crossheading
  776. crossing
  777. crossing guard
  778. crossing over
  779. crossjack
  780. crossly
  781. crossness
  782. crossopterygian
  783. Crossopterygii
  784. crossover
  785. crossover voter
  786. crosspatch
  787. crosspiece
  788. crossroad
  789. crossroads
  790. crossruff
  791. crosstalk
  792. crosstie
  793. crosstown
  794. crosswalk
  795. crossway
  796. crossways
  797. crosswind
  798. crosswise
  799. crossword
  800. crossword puzzle
  801. crotal
  802. crotalaria
  803. Crotalaria sagitallis
  804. Crotalaria spectabilis
  805. Crotalidae
  806. Crotalus
  807. Crotalus adamanteus
  808. Crotalus atrox
  809. Crotalus cerastes
  810. Crotalus horridus atricaudatus
  811. Crotalus horridus horridus
  812. Crotalus lepidus
  813. Crotalus mitchellii
  814. Crotalus scutulatus
  815. Crotalus tigris
  816. Crotalus viridis
  817. crotaphion
  818. Crotaphytus
  819. crotch
  820. crotch hair
  821. crotchet
  822. crotchetiness
  823. crotchety
  824. croton
  825. Croton bug
  826. Croton eluteria
  827. croton oil
  828. Croton tiglium
  829. crotonbug
  830. Crotophaga
  831. crottal
  832. crottle
  833. crouch
  834. croup
  835. croupe
  836. croupier
  837. croupiers rake
  838. croupy
  839. Crouse
  840. crouton
  841. crow
  842. crow blackbird
  843. crow corn
  844. crow garlic
  845. crow pheasant
  846. crow step
  847. crow-bait
  848. crow-sized
  849. crowbait
  850. crowbar
  851. crowberry
  852. crowberry family
  853. crowd
  854. crowd control
  855. crowd out
  856. crowd together
  857. crowded
  858. crowding
  859. crowfoot
  860. crowfoot family
  861. crowfoot grass
  862. crowing
  863. Crown
  864. crown beard
  865. Crown Colony
  866. crown daisy
  867. crown fire
  868. crown gall
  869. crown glass
  870. crown imperial
  871. crown jewel
  872. crown jewels
  873. Crown land
  874. crown lens
  875. crown monkey
  876. crown of thorns
  877. crown prince
  878. crown princess
  879. crown roast
  880. crown saw
  881. crown vetch
  882. crown wart
  883. crown-beard
  884. crown-of-the-field
  885. crownbeard
  886. crowned
  887. crowned head
  888. crowning
  889. crownless
  890. crownwork
  891. crows feet
  892. crows foot
  893. crows nest
  894. crozier
  895. CRP
  896. CRT
  897. CRT screen
  898. crucial
  899. cruciality
  900. crucially
  901. crucian carp
  902. cruciate
  903. crucible
  904. crucible steel
  905. crucifer
  906. Cruciferae
  907. cruciferous
  908. cruciferous plant
  909. cruciferous vegetable
  910. crucifix
  911. crucifix fish
  912. crucifixion
  913. cruciform
  914. crucify
  915. crud
  916. cruddy
  917. crude
  918. crude oil
  919. crudely
  920. crudeness
  921. crudites
  922. crudity
  923. cruel
  924. cruel and unusual punishment
  925. cruel plant
  926. cruelly
  927. cruelness
  928. cruelty
  929. cruet
  930. cruet-stand
  931. cruise
  932. cruise control
  933. cruise liner
  934. cruise missile
  935. cruise ship
  936. cruiser
  937. cruiserweight
  938. cruller
  939. crumb
  940. crumb cake
  941. crumble
  942. crumbliness
  943. crumbly
  944. crumhorn
  945. crummy
  946. crump
  947. crumpet
  948. crumple
  949. crumpled
  950. crunch
  951. crupper
  952. crural
  953. crus
  954. crusade
  955. crusader
  956. cruse
  957. crush
  958. crush out
  959. crushed
  960. crushed leather
  961. crushed rock
  962. crusher
  963. crushing
  964. crushingly
  965. crust
  966. Crustacea
  967. crustacean
  968. crustaceous
  969. crustal
  970. crustal movement
  971. crustal plate
  972. crusted
  973. crustlike
  974. crustose
  975. crustose thallus
  976. crusty
  977. crutch
  978. Crux
  979. Crux Australis
  980. crux of the matter
  981. cry
  982. cry for
  983. cry out
  984. cry out for
  985. cry-baby tree
  986. cryaesthesia
  987. crybaby
  988. crybaby tree
  989. cryesthesia
  990. crying
  991. cryoanaesthesia
  992. cryoanesthesia
  993. cryobiology
  994. cryocautery
  995. cryogen
  996. cryogenic
  997. cryogenics
  998. cryogeny
  999. cryolite
  1000. cryometer
  1001. cryonic
  1002. cryonics
  1003. cryopathy
  1004. cryophobia
  1005. cryoscope
  1006. cryostat
  1007. cryosurgery
  1008. crypt
  1009. Cryptacanthodes
  1010. Cryptacanthodes maculatus
  1011. cryptanalysis
  1012. cryptanalyst
  1013. cryptanalytic
  1014. cryptanalytics
  1015. cryptic
  1016. cryptic coloration
  1017. cryptical
  1018. cryptically
  1019. cryptobiosis
  1020. cryptobiotic
  1021. Cryptobranchidae
  1022. Cryptobranchus
  1023. Cryptobranchus alleganiensis
  1024. Cryptocercidae
  1025. Cryptocercus
  1026. cryptococcosis
  1027. cryptocoryne
  1028. cryptogam
  1029. Cryptogamia
  1030. cryptogamic
  1031. cryptogamous
  1032. cryptogram
  1033. Cryptogramma
  1034. Cryptogramma acrostichoides
  1035. Cryptogramma crispa
  1036. Cryptogrammataceae
  1037. cryptograph
  1038. cryptographer
  1039. cryptographic
  1040. cryptographical
  1041. cryptographically
  1042. cryptography
  1043. cryptologic
  1044. cryptological
  1045. cryptologist
  1046. cryptology
  1047. Cryptomeria
  1048. Cryptomeria japonica
  1049. cryptomonad
  1050. Cryptophyceae
  1051. Cryptophyta
  1052. cryptophyte
  1053. Cryptoprocta
  1054. Cryptoprocta ferox
  1055. cryptorchidism
  1056. cryptorchidy
  1057. cryptorchism
  1058. Cryptotermes
  1059. Cryptotermes brevis
  1060. Cryptotis
  1061. Cryptotis parva
  1062. crystal
  1063. crystal ball
  1064. crystal clear
  1065. crystal counter
  1066. crystal detector
  1067. crystal gazing
  1068. crystal lattice
  1069. crystal microphone
  1070. crystal oscillator
  1071. crystal pickup
  1072. crystal rectifier
  1073. crystal set
  1074. crystal tea
  1075. crystal violet
  1076. crystalise
  1077. crystalised
  1078. crystalize
  1079. crystalized
  1080. crystalline
  1081. crystalline lens
  1082. crystallisation
  1083. crystallise
  1084. crystallised
  1085. crystallite
  1086. crystallization
  1087. crystallize
  1088. crystallized
  1089. crystallized fruit
  1090. crystallized ginger
  1091. crystallizing
  1092. crystallographer
  1093. crystallography