plaguy (adv.)

  1. in a disagreeable manner; its so plaguey cold!

    [ Syn: plaguey , plaguey , plaguily , plaguily , plaguey , plaguey , plaguily , plaguily , plaguey , plaguey , plaguily , plaguily , plaguey , plaguey , plaguily , plaguily ]

    plaguy (adj.)

  1. causing irritation or annoyance; tapping an annoying rhythm on his glass with his fork; aircraft noise is particularly bothersome near the airport; found it galling to have to ask permission; an irritating delay; nettlesome paperwork; a pesky mosquito; swarms of pestering gnats; a plaguey newfangled safety catch; a teasing and persistent thought annoyed him; a vexatious child; it is vexing to have to admit you are wrong

    [ Syn: annoying , bothersome , galling , irritating , nettlesome , pesky , pestering , pestiferous , plaguey , teasing , vexatious , vexing ]

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