Dictionary - TO

  1. to a fault
  2. to a great extent
  3. to a greater extent
  4. to a higher place
  5. to a lesser extent
  6. to a lower place
  7. to a man
  8. to a T
  9. to advantage
  10. to all intents and purposes
  11. to and fro
  12. to be precise
  13. to be sure
  14. to begin with
  15. to boot
  16. to both ears
  17. to date
  18. to each one
  19. to it
  20. to leeward
  21. to no degree
  22. to one ear
  23. to order
  24. to perfection
  25. to that
  26. to that degree
  27. to that effect
  28. to that extent
  29. to the contrary
  30. to the full
  31. to the highest degree
  32. to the hilt
  33. to the letter
  34. to the limit
  35. to the lowest degree
  36. to the south
  37. to windward
  38. to wit
  39. to-do
  40. toad
  41. toad frog
  42. toad lily
  43. toad rush
  44. toad-in-the-hole
  45. toadfish
  46. toadflax
  47. toadshade
  48. toadstool
  49. toady
  50. toadyish
  51. toast
  52. toast mistress
  53. toasted
  54. toaster
  55. toaster oven
  56. toasting
  57. toasting fork
  58. toastmaster
  59. toastrack
  60. tobacco
  61. tobacco budworm
  62. tobacco hornworm
  63. tobacco industry
  64. tobacco juice
  65. tobacco mildew
  66. tobacco mosaic
  67. tobacco mosaic virus
  68. tobacco moth
  69. tobacco pipe
  70. tobacco plant
  71. tobacco pouch
  72. tobacco shop
  73. tobacco thrips
  74. tobacco user
  75. tobacco wilt
  76. tobacconist
  77. tobacconist shop
  78. Tobago
  79. Tobagonian
  80. Tobey
  81. Tobias George Smollett
  82. Tobias Smollett
  83. Tobin
  84. Tobin bronze
  85. Tobit
  86. toboggan
  87. toboggan cap
  88. tobogganing
  89. tobogganist
  90. tobramycin
  91. toby
  92. toby fillpot jug
  93. toby jug
  94. tocainide
  95. Tocantins
  96. Tocantins River
  97. toccata
  98. Tocharian
  99. tocktact
  100. tocology
  101. tocopherol
  102. Tocqueville
  103. tocsin
  104. tod
  105. Toda
  106. today
  107. Todd
  108. toddle
  109. toddler
  110. toddy
  111. toddy palm
  112. Todea
  113. Todea barbara
  114. Todea superba
  115. Todidae
  116. Todus
  117. tody
  118. toe
  119. toe box
  120. toe crack
  121. toe dance
  122. toe dancing
  123. toe the line
  124. toe toe
  125. toe-in
  126. toe-to-toe
  127. toea
  128. toecap
  129. toed
  130. toehold
  131. toeless
  132. toenail
  133. toetoe
  134. toff
  135. toffee
  136. toffee apple
  137. toffee-nosed
  138. toffy
  139. Tofieldia
  140. Tofieldia pusilla
  141. Tofranil
  142. tofu
  143. tog
  144. tog out
  145. tog up
  146. toga
  147. toga virilis
  148. Togaviridae
  149. together
  150. together with
  151. togetherness
  152. togged
  153. togged up
  154. toggle
  155. toggle bolt
  156. toggle joint
  157. toggle switch
  158. Togo
  159. Togo franc
  160. Togolese
  161. Togolese Republic
  162. togs
  163. toil
  164. toiler
  165. toilet
  166. toilet articles
  167. toilet bag
  168. toilet bowl
  169. toilet facility
  170. toilet kit
  171. toilet paper
  172. toilet powder
  173. toilet roll
  174. toilet seat
  175. toilet soap
  176. toilet table
  177. toilet tissue
  178. toilet training
  179. toilet water
  180. toilet-train
  181. toilet-trained
  182. toiletry
  183. toilette
  184. toiling
  185. toilsome
  186. toilsomeness
  187. toitoi
  188. Tojo
  189. Tojo Eiki
  190. Tojo Hideki
  191. tokamak
  192. Tokay
  193. toke
  194. token
  195. token economy
  196. token money
  197. token payment
  198. tokenish
  199. Tokio
  200. Toklas
  201. Tokyo
  202. tolazamide
  203. tolazoline
  204. tolbooth
  205. Tolbukhin
  206. tolbutamide
  207. tole
  208. Tolectin
  209. Toledo
  210. tolerable
  211. tolerably
  212. tolerance
  213. tolerant
  214. tolerantly
  215. tolerate
  216. toleration
  217. Tolinase
  218. Tolkien
  219. toll
  220. toll agent
  221. toll bridge
  222. toll call
  223. toll collector
  224. Toll House cookie
  225. toll line
  226. toll plaza
  227. toll road
  228. toll taker
  229. toll-free
  230. tollbar
  231. tollbooth
  232. toller
  233. tollgate
  234. tollgatherer
  235. tollhouse
  236. tollkeeper
  237. tollman
  238. tollon
  239. tolmetin sodium
  240. Tolmiea
  241. Tolmiea menziesii
  242. Tolstoy
  243. Toltec
  244. tolu
  245. tolu balsam
  246. tolu balsam tree
  247. tolu tree
  248. toluene
  249. toluic acid
  250. Tolypeutes
  251. Tolypeutes tricinctus
  252. Tom
  253. Tom and Jerry
  254. Tom Bradley
  255. Tom Collins
  256. Tom Hanks
  257. Tom Paine
  258. Tom Sawyer
  259. Tom Stoppard
  260. Tom Thumb
  261. tom turkey
  262. Tom Wolfe
  263. tom-tom
  264. tomahawk
  265. tomalley
  266. Tomas de Torquemada
  267. Tomasso Parentucelli
  268. tomatillo
  269. tomato
  270. tomato blight
  271. tomato concentrate
  272. tomato fruitworm
  273. tomato hornworm
  274. tomato juice
  275. tomato ketchup
  276. tomato paste
  277. tomato plant
  278. tomato sauce
  279. tomato streak
  280. tomato worm
  281. tomato yellows
  282. tomb
  283. tombac
  284. tombak
  285. Tombaugh
  286. Tombigbee
  287. Tombigbee River
  288. tombola
  289. tomboy
  290. tomboyish
  291. tomboyishness
  292. tombstone
  293. tomcat
  294. tome
  295. tomentose
  296. tomentous
  297. tomentum
  298. tomentum cerebri
  299. tomfool
  300. tomfoolery
  301. Tomistoma
  302. Tomistoma schlegeli
  303. Tommy gun
  304. tommyrot
  305. tomograph
  306. tomography
  307. tomorrow
  308. tompion
  309. tomtate
  310. tomtit
  311. ton
  312. tonal
  313. tonal language
  314. tonal pattern
  315. tonal system
  316. tonality
  317. tone
  318. tone arm
  319. tone deafness
  320. tone down
  321. tone ending
  322. tone language
  323. tone of voice
  324. tone poem
  325. tone system
  326. tone up
  327. tone-beginning
  328. tone-deaf
  329. toned
  330. Tonegawa Susumu
  331. toneless
  332. tonelessly
  333. toner
  334. tong ho
  335. Tonga
  336. Tongan
  337. Tongan monetary unit
  338. tongs
  339. tongue
  340. tongue and groove joint
  341. tongue depressor
  342. tongue fern
  343. tongue tie
  344. tongue twister
  345. tongue worm
  346. tongue-fish
  347. tongue-flower
  348. tongue-in-cheek
  349. tongue-lashing
  350. tongue-shaped
  351. tongue-tie
  352. tongue-tied
  353. tongued
  354. tonguefish
  355. tongueflower
  356. tongueless
  357. tongueless frog
  358. tonguelike
  359. tonguing and grooving plane
  360. Toni Morrison
  361. tonic
  362. tonic accent
  363. tonic epilepsy
  364. tonic key
  365. tonic solfa
  366. tonic water
  367. tonicity
  368. tonight
  369. tonka bean
  370. tonka bean tree
  371. tonnage
  372. tonnage duty
  373. tonne
  374. Tonocard
  375. tonometer
  376. tonometry
  377. tons
  378. tonsil
  379. tonsilla
  380. tonsilla adenoidea
  381. tonsilla pharyngealis
  382. tonsillectomy
  383. tonsillitis
  384. tonsorial
  385. tonsure
  386. tonsured
  387. tontine
  388. tontine insurance
  389. tonus
  390. Tony Blair
  391. too
  392. too bad
  393. too big for ones breeches
  394. too large
  395. too much
  396. too soon
  397. too-careful
  398. too-generous
  399. too-greedy
  400. tool
  401. tool around
  402. tool bag
  403. tool cabinet
  404. tool case
  405. tool chest
  406. tool kit
  407. tool steel
  408. tool-and-die work
  409. toolbox
  410. toolhouse
  411. toolmaker
  412. toolshed
  413. toon
  414. Toona
  415. Toona calantas
  416. tooshie
  417. toot
  418. tooth
  419. tooth and nail
  420. tooth decay
  421. tooth doctor
  422. tooth enamel
  423. tooth fairy
  424. tooth fungus
  425. tooth powder
  426. tooth root
  427. tooth shell
  428. tooth socket
  429. toothache
  430. toothache tree
  431. toothbrush
  432. toothbrush tree
  433. toothed
  434. toothed spurge
  435. toothed sword fern
  436. toothed whale
  437. toothed wheel
  438. toothless
  439. toothlike
  440. toothpaste
  441. toothpick
  442. toothpowder
  443. toothsome
  444. toothsomeness
  445. toothwort
  446. toothy
  447. tootle
  448. toowomba canary grass
  449. top
  450. top banana
  451. top billing
  452. top boot
  453. top brass
  454. top dog
  455. top dressing
  456. top executive
  457. top fermentation
  458. top fermenting yeast
  459. top hat
  460. top lift
  461. top of the inning
  462. top of the line
  463. top off
  464. top onion
  465. top out
  466. top quark
  467. top round
  468. top side
  469. top-down
  470. top-flight
  471. top-grade
  472. top-heavy
  473. top-hole
  474. top-notch
  475. top-quality
  476. top-secret
  477. top-up
  478. topaz
  479. topcoat
  480. topdress
  481. tope
  482. topee
  483. Topeka
  484. toper
  485. topers nose
  486. topgallant
  487. topgallant mast
  488. topgallant sail
  489. tophus
  490. topi
  491. topiary
  492. topic
  493. topic sentence
  494. topical
  495. topical anaesthesia
  496. topical anaesthetic
  497. topical anesthesia
  498. topical anesthetic
  499. topical prostaglandin eyedrop
  500. topicality
  501. topicalization
  502. topicalize
  503. topically
  504. topknot
  505. topknotted
  506. topless
  507. topmast
  508. topminnow
  509. topmost
  510. topnotch
  511. topognosia
  512. topognosis
  513. topographic
  514. topographic anatomy
  515. topographic point
  516. topographical
  517. topographically
  518. topography
  519. topolatry
  520. topologic
  521. topological
  522. topological space
  523. topologically
  524. topology
  525. toponomy
  526. toponym
  527. toponymy
  528. topos
  529. topped
  530. topper
  531. topping
  532. toppingly
  533. topple
  534. tops
  535. topsail
  536. topside
  537. topsoil
  538. topspin
  539. topsy-turvily
  540. topsy-turvy
  541. topsy-turvydom
  542. topsy-turvyness
  543. TOPV
  544. toque
  545. tor
  546. Toradol
  547. Torah
  548. torch
  549. torch race
  550. torch singer
  551. torch song
  552. torchbearer
  553. torchlight
  554. torchwood family
  555. tore
  556. toreador
  557. toreador pants
  558. torero
  559. Torino
  560. torment
  561. tormented
  562. tormenter
  563. tormentor
  564. torn
  565. tornado
  566. tornado cellar
  567. tornado lantern
  568. tornillo
  569. Torodal
  570. toroid
  571. toroidal
  572. Toronto
  573. Torpedinidae
  574. Torpediniformes
  575. torpedo
  576. torpedo boat
  577. torpedo tube
  578. torpedo-boat destroyer
  579. torpid
  580. torpidity
  581. torpidly
  582. torpidness
  583. torpor
  584. Torquato Tasso
  585. torque
  586. torque converter
  587. torque wrench
  588. Torquemada
  589. torr
  590. torrent
  591. torrential
  592. Torreon
  593. Torres Strait
  594. Torrey pine
  595. Torrey tree
  596. Torreya
  597. Torreya californica
  598. Torreya taxifolia
  599. Torreys pine
  600. Torricelli
  601. torrid
  602. Torrid Zone
  603. torridity
  604. torsion
  605. torsion balance
  606. torsk
  607. torso
  608. tort
  609. tort-feasor
  610. torte
  611. tortellini
  612. tortfeasor
  613. torticollis
  614. tortilla
  615. tortilla chip
  616. tortious
  617. tortoise
  618. tortoise plant
  619. tortoiseshell
  620. tortoiseshell butterfly
  621. tortoiseshell turtle
  622. tortoiseshell-cat
  623. tortricid
  624. tortricid moth
  625. Tortricidae
  626. tortrix
  627. tortuosity
  628. tortuous
  629. tortuously
  630. tortuousness
  631. torture
  632. torture chamber
  633. tortured
  634. torturer
  635. torturesome
  636. torturing
  637. torturous
  638. torturously
  639. torulose
  640. torus
  641. Tory
  642. Toscana
  643. Toscanini
  644. tosh
  645. Tosk
  646. Tosk dialect
  647. toss
  648. toss away
  649. toss back
  650. toss bombing
  651. toss in
  652. toss off
  653. toss out
  654. toss-up
  655. tossed salad
  656. tosser
  657. tossup
  658. tostada
  659. tot
  660. tot up
  661. total
  662. total aphasia
  663. total darkness
  664. total depravity
  665. total eclipse
  666. total heat
  667. total hysterectomy
  668. total parenteral nutrition
  669. totaled
  670. totalisator
  671. totalise
  672. totaliser
  673. totalism
  674. totalistic
  675. totalitarian
  676. totalitarian state
  677. totalitarianism
  678. totalitation regime
  679. totality
  680. totalizator
  681. totalize
  682. totalizer
  683. totally
  684. totara
  685. tote
  686. tote bag
  687. tote up
  688. totem
  689. totem pole
  690. totemic
  691. totemism
  692. totemist
  693. toter
  694. totipotence
  695. totipotency
  696. totipotent
  697. Totten trust
  698. totter
  699. totterer
  700. tottering
  701. tottery
  702. toucan
  703. toucanet
  704. touch
  705. touch a chord
  706. touch base
  707. touch down
  708. touch football
  709. touch modality
  710. touch off
  711. touch on
  712. touch perception
  713. touch screen
  714. touch sensation
  715. touch system
  716. touch typing
  717. touch up
  718. touch-and-go
  719. touch-me-not
  720. touch-type
  721. touch-typist
  722. touchable
  723. touchback
  724. touchdown
  725. touched
  726. toucher
  727. touchily
  728. touchiness
  729. touching
  730. touchingly
  731. touchline
  732. touchscreen
  733. touchstone
  734. touchwood
  735. touchy
  736. touchy-feely
  737. tough
  738. tough guy
  739. tough luck
  740. tough-minded
  741. tough-skinned
  742. toughen
  743. toughened
  744. toughie
  745. toughly
  746. toughness
  747. Toulon
  748. Toulouse
  749. Toulouse-Lautrec
  750. toupe
  751. toupee
  752. toupeed
  753. tour
  754. tour de force
  755. Tour de France
  756. tour guide
  757. tour of duty
  758. touraco
  759. tourer
  760. Tourette
  761. Tourettes syndrome
  762. touring car
  763. tourism
  764. tourist
  765. tourist attraction
  766. tourist class
  767. tourist court
  768. touristed
  769. touristry
  770. touristy
  771. tourmaline
  772. tournament
  773. tournedos
  774. tourney
  775. tourniquet
  776. Tours
  777. tourtiere
  778. tousle
  779. tousled
  780. tout
  781. tout ensemble
  782. touter
  783. tovarich
  784. tovarisch
  785. tow
  786. tow car
  787. tow truck
  788. tow-headed snake
  789. towage
  790. towboat
  791. towel
  792. towel bar
  793. towel horse
  794. towel rack
  795. towel rail
  796. towel ring
  797. toweling
  798. towelling
  799. tower
  800. tower block
  801. tower cress
  802. tower mustard
  803. Tower of Babel
  804. Tower of London
  805. Tower of Pharos
  806. tower of strength
  807. towering
  808. towhead
  809. towheaded
  810. towhee
  811. towing line
  812. towing path
  813. towing rope
  814. towline
  815. town
  816. town clerk
  817. town crier
  818. town gas
  819. town hall
  820. town house
  821. town meeting
  822. town planning
  823. townee
  824. towner
  825. Townes
  826. townie
  827. Townsend
  828. Townsend Harris
  829. Townsendia
  830. Townsendia Exscapa
  831. townsfolk
  832. township
  833. townsman
  834. townspeople
  835. towny
  836. towpath
  837. towrope
  838. toxaemia
  839. toxaemia of pregnancy
  840. toxemia
  841. toxemia of pregnancy
  842. toxic
  843. toxic condition
  844. toxic dumpsite
  845. toxic industrial waste
  846. toxic shock
  847. toxic shock syndrome
  848. toxic site
  849. toxic waste
  850. toxic waste area
  851. toxic waste dump
  852. toxic waste site
  853. toxicant
  854. toxicity
  855. Toxicodendron
  856. Toxicodendron diversilobum
  857. Toxicodendron quercifolium
  858. Toxicodendron radicans
  859. Toxicodendron vernicifluum
  860. Toxicodendron vernix
  861. toxicognath
  862. toxicologic
  863. toxicological
  864. toxicologist
  865. toxicology
  866. toxin
  867. toxin antitoxin
  868. toxoid
  869. toxoplasmosis
  870. Toxostoma
  871. Toxostoma rufums
  872. Toxotes
  873. Toxotes jaculatrix
  874. Toxotidae
  875. toy
  876. toy box
  877. toy business
  878. toy chest
  879. toy dog
  880. toy industry
  881. toy Manchester
  882. toy Manchester terrier
  883. toy poodle
  884. toy soldier
  885. toy spaniel
  886. toy terrier
  887. toy with
  888. toying
  889. Toynbee
  890. Toyohashi
  891. toyon
  892. Toyonaki
  893. Toyota
  894. toyshop