Dictionary - PH

  1. pH
  2. pH scale
  3. Ph.D.
  4. phacelia
  5. Phacelia campanularia
  6. Phacelia minor
  7. Phacelia tanacetifolia
  8. Phacelia whitlavia
  9. Phacochoerus
  10. phacoemulsification
  11. phaeochromocytoma
  12. Phaeophyceae
  13. Phaeophyta
  14. Phaethon
  15. Phaethontidae
  16. phaeton
  17. phage
  18. phagocyte
  19. phagocytic
  20. phagocytosis
  21. Phagun
  22. phaius
  23. Phalacrocoracidae
  24. Phalacrocorax
  25. Phalacrocorax carbo
  26. phalacrosis
  27. Phalaenopsis
  28. Phalaenopsis amabilis
  29. Phalaenoptilus
  30. Phalaenoptilus nuttallii
  31. phalangeal
  32. phalanger
  33. Phalangeridae
  34. Phalangida
  35. Phalangiidae
  36. phalangist
  37. phalangitis
  38. Phalangium
  39. Phalangium opilio
  40. phalanx
  41. Phalaris
  42. Phalaris aquatica
  43. Phalaris arundinacea
  44. Phalaris canariensis
  45. Phalaris tuberosa
  46. phalarope
  47. Phalaropidae
  48. Phalaropus
  49. Phalaropus fulicarius
  50. Phalguna
  51. Phallaceae
  52. Phallales
  53. phallic
  54. phallic phase
  55. phallic stage
  56. phalloplasty
  57. Phallus
  58. Phallus impudicus
  59. Phallus ravenelii
  60. phalsa
  61. phanerogam
  62. Phanerogamae
  63. phaneromania
  64. Phanerozoic
  65. Phanerozoic aeon
  66. Phanerozoic eon
  67. phantasm
  68. phantasma
  69. phantasmagoria
  70. phantasmagoric
  71. phantasmagorical
  72. phantasmal
  73. phantasy
  74. phantasy life
  75. phantasy world
  76. phantom
  77. phantom limb
  78. phantom limb pain
  79. phantom limb syndrome
  80. phantom orchid
  81. Pharaoh
  82. pharaoh ant
  83. Pharaoh of Egypt
  84. pharaohs ant
  85. Pharaohs chicken
  86. Pharaonic
  87. pharisaic
  88. pharisaical
  89. pharisee
  90. pharma
  91. pharmaceutic
  92. pharmaceutical
  93. pharmaceutical chemist
  94. pharmaceutical company
  95. pharmaceutics
  96. pharmacist
  97. pharmacogenetics
  98. pharmacokinetics
  99. pharmacologic
  100. pharmacological
  101. pharmacological medicine
  102. pharmacologically
  103. pharmacologist
  104. pharmacology
  105. pharmacopeia
  106. pharmacopoeia
  107. pharmacy
  108. Pharomacrus
  109. Pharomacrus mocino
  110. pharos
  111. Pharsalus
  112. pharyngeal
  113. pharyngeal consonant
  114. pharyngeal recess
  115. pharyngeal reflex
  116. pharyngeal tonsil
  117. pharyngeal vein
  118. pharyngitis
  119. pharynx
  120. Phascogale
  121. Phascolarctos
  122. Phascolarctos cinereus
  123. phase
  124. phase angle
  125. phase change
  126. phase I
  127. phase I clinical trial
  128. phase II
  129. phase II clinical trial
  130. phase III
  131. phase III clinical trial
  132. phase in
  133. phase IV
  134. phase IV clinical trial
  135. phase modulation
  136. phase of cell division
  137. phase of the moon
  138. phase out
  139. phase space
  140. phase transition
  141. phase-out
  142. Phaseolus
  143. Phaseolus aconitifolius
  144. Phaseolus acutifolius latifolius
  145. Phaseolus angularis
  146. Phaseolus aureus
  147. Phaseolus caracalla
  148. Phaseolus coccineus
  149. Phaseolus limensis
  150. Phaseolus lunatus
  151. Phaseolus multiflorus
  152. Phaseolus vulgaris
  153. phasianid
  154. Phasianidae
  155. Phasianus
  156. Phasianus colchicus
  157. Phasmatidae
  158. Phasmatodea
  159. phasmid
  160. phasmid insect
  161. Phasmida
  162. Phasmidae
  163. Phasmidia
  164. phatic communication
  165. phatic speech
  166. PhD
  167. pheasant
  168. pheasant coucal
  169. pheasant cuckoo
  170. pheasant under glass
  171. pheasants-eye
  172. Phegopteris
  173. Phegopteris connectilis
  174. Phegopteris hexagonoptera
  175. Pheidias
  176. phellem
  177. Phellodendron
  178. Phellodendron amurense
  179. phenacetin
  180. phenacomys
  181. Phenaphen
  182. phenazopyridine
  183. phencyclidine
  184. phencyclidine hydrochloride
  185. phenelzine
  186. Phenergan
  187. Phenicia
  188. pheniramine
  189. pheno-safranine
  190. phenobarbital
  191. phenobarbitone
  192. phenol
  193. phenolic
  194. phenolic plastic
  195. phenolic resin
  196. phenolic urea
  197. phenolphthalein
  198. phenomenal
  199. phenomenally
  200. phenomenology
  201. phenomenon
  202. phenoplast
  203. phenothiazine
  204. phenotype
  205. phenotypic
  206. phenotypical
  207. phenoxymethyl penicillin
  208. phensuximide
  209. phentolamine
  210. phenyl salicylate
  211. phenylacetamide
  212. phenylalanine
  213. phenylamine
  214. phenylbutazone
  215. phenylephrine
  216. phenylethylene
  217. phenylic acid
  218. phenylketonuria
  219. phenylpropanolamine
  220. phenyltoloxamine
  221. phenytoin
  222. pheochromocytoma
  223. pheresis
  224. pheromone
  225. phi
  226. phi coefficient
  227. phi correlation
  228. phial
  229. Phidias
  230. Phil Anderson
  231. Philadelphaceae
  232. Philadelphia
  233. Philadelphia fleabane
  234. Philadelphia pepper pot
  235. philadelphus
  236. Philadelphus coronarius
  237. Philaenus
  238. Philaenus spumarius
  239. philander
  240. philanderer
  241. philanthropic
  242. philanthropic foundation
  243. philanthropic gift
  244. philanthropically
  245. philanthropist
  246. philanthropy
  247. philatelic
  248. philatelical
  249. philatelically
  250. philatelist
  251. philately
  252. Philemon
  253. philharmonic
  254. philharmonic pitch
  255. philhellene
  256. philhellenic
  257. philhellenism
  258. philhellenist
  259. philia
  260. Philibert de lOrme
  261. Philibert Delorme
  262. Philip
  263. Philip Anderson
  264. Philip Augustus
  265. Philip Dormer Stanhope
  266. Philip II
  267. Philip II of Macedon
  268. Philip II of Spain
  269. Philip Marlowe
  270. Philip Michael Ondaatje
  271. Philip Milton Roth
  272. Philip of Valois
  273. Philip Roth
  274. Philip V
  275. Philip VI
  276. Philip Warren Anderson
  277. Philipp Lenard
  278. Philipp Melanchthon
  279. Philipp Schwarzerd
  280. Philippi
  281. Philippian
  282. Philippians
  283. philippic
  284. Philippine
  285. Philippine cedar
  286. Philippine Islands
  287. Philippine mahogany
  288. Philippine monetary unit
  289. Philippine peso
  290. Philippine Sea
  291. Philippines
  292. Philippopolis
  293. Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus
  294. Philistia
  295. philistine
  296. philistinism
  297. Phillidae
  298. Phillips screw
  299. Phillips screwdriver
  300. phillipsite
  301. Phillis Wheatley
  302. Phillyrea
  303. philodendron
  304. philogyny
  305. Philohela
  306. Philohela minor
  307. philological
  308. philologist
  309. philologue
  310. philology
  311. Philomachus
  312. Philomachus pugnax
  313. philomath
  314. Philophylla
  315. philosopher
  316. philosophers stone
  317. philosophers wool
  318. philosophic
  319. philosophical
  320. philosophical doctrine
  321. philosophical system
  322. philosophical theory
  323. philosophically
  324. philosophise
  325. philosophiser
  326. philosophize
  327. philosophizer
  328. philosophizing
  329. philosophy
  330. philosophy department
  331. philter
  332. philtre
  333. phimosis
  334. Phineas Taylor Barnum
  335. Phintias
  336. Phiz
  337. phlebectomy
  338. phlebitis
  339. Phlebodium
  340. Phlebodium aureum
  341. phlebogram
  342. phlebothrombosis
  343. phlebotomise
  344. phlebotomist
  345. phlebotomize
  346. phlebotomus
  347. Phlebotomus papatasii
  348. phlebotomy
  349. phlegm
  350. phlegmasia alba dolens
  351. phlegmatic
  352. phlegmatical
  353. phlegmatically
  354. phlegmy
  355. Phleum
  356. Phleum pratense
  357. phloem
  358. phlogiston
  359. phlogopite
  360. phlomis
  361. Phlomis fruticosa
  362. phlox
  363. Phlox bifida
  364. phlox family
  365. Phlox stellaria
  366. Phlox subulata
  367. Phnom Penh
  368. phobia
  369. phobic
  370. phobic disorder
  371. phobic neurosis
  372. phobophobia
  373. Phobos
  374. Phoca
  375. Phoca vitulina
  376. Phocidae
  377. phocine
  378. Phocoena
  379. Phocoena phocoena
  380. Phocoena sinus
  381. phocomelia
  382. Phoebe
  383. phoebe bird
  384. Phoebus
  385. Phoebus Apollo
  386. Phoenicia
  387. Phoenician
  388. phoenicophorium
  389. Phoenicopteridae
  390. Phoeniculidae
  391. Phoeniculus
  392. Phoenicurus
  393. Phoenix
  394. Phoenix dactylifera
  395. phoenix tree
  396. Pholadidae
  397. Pholas
  398. Pholidae
  399. Pholidota
  400. Pholiota
  401. Pholiota astragalina
  402. Pholiota aurea
  403. Pholiota destruens
  404. Pholiota flammans
  405. Pholiota flavida
  406. Pholiota nameko
  407. Pholiota squarrosa
  408. Pholiota squarrosa-adiposa
  409. Pholiota squarrosoides
  410. Pholis
  411. Pholis gunnellus
  412. Pholistoma
  413. Pholistoma auritum
  414. phon
  415. phonate
  416. phonation
  417. phone
  418. phone bill
  419. phone book
  420. phone booth
  421. phone call
  422. phone card
  423. phone company
  424. phone cord
  425. phone jack
  426. phone line
  427. phone message
  428. phone number
  429. phone plug
  430. phone service
  431. phone system
  432. phone tapper
  433. phone-in
  434. phonebook
  435. phoneme
  436. phonemic
  437. phonemic system
  438. phonemics
  439. phoner
  440. phonetic
  441. phonetic alphabet
  442. phonetic symbol
  443. phonetic transcription
  444. phonetically
  445. phonetician
  446. phonetics
  447. phoney
  448. phonic
  449. phonics
  450. phonogram
  451. phonogramic
  452. phonograph
  453. phonograph album
  454. phonograph needle
  455. phonograph record
  456. phonograph recording
  457. phonograph recording disk
  458. phonologic
  459. phonologic system
  460. phonological
  461. phonological system
  462. phonologist
  463. phonology
  464. phonophobia
  465. phony
  466. Phoradendron
  467. Phoradendron flavescens
  468. Phoradendron serotinum
  469. phoronid
  470. Phoronida
  471. Phoronidea
  472. phosgene
  473. phosphatase
  474. phosphate
  475. phosphate buffer solution
  476. phosphine
  477. phosphocreatine
  478. phospholipid
  479. phosphoprotein
  480. phosphor
  481. phosphor bronze
  482. phosphoresce
  483. phosphorescence
  484. phosphorescent
  485. phosphoric
  486. phosphoric acid
  487. phosphorous
  488. phosphorous acid
  489. phosphorus
  490. phot
  491. photalgia
  492. photic
  493. Photinia
  494. Photinia arbutifolia
  495. Photius
  496. photo
  497. photo credit
  498. photo finish
  499. photo op
  500. photo opportunity
  501. photo-offset
  502. photo-offset printing
  503. Photoblepharon
  504. Photoblepharon palpebratus
  505. photocathode
  506. photocell
  507. photochemical
  508. photochemical exchange
  509. photochemical reaction
  510. photochemistry
  511. photocoagulation
  512. photocoagulator
  513. photoconduction
  514. photoconductive
  515. photoconductive cell
  516. photoconductivity
  517. photocopier
  518. photocopy
  519. photoelectric
  520. photoelectric cell
  521. photoelectric emission
  522. photoelectrical
  523. photoelectrically
  524. photoelectricity
  525. photoelectron
  526. photoemission
  527. photoemissive
  528. photoengraving
  529. photoflash
  530. photoflood
  531. photogelatin process
  532. photogenic
  533. photogenic epilepsy
  534. photograph
  535. photograph album
  536. photographer
  537. photographers model
  538. photographic
  539. photographic camera
  540. photographic density
  541. photographic emulsion
  542. photographic equipment
  543. photographic film
  544. photographic material
  545. photographic paper
  546. photographic plate
  547. photographic print
  548. photographically
  549. photography
  550. photogravure
  551. photojournalism
  552. photojournalist
  553. photolithograph
  554. photolithography
  555. photomechanical
  556. photomechanics
  557. photometer
  558. photometric
  559. photometrical
  560. photometrically
  561. photometrician
  562. photometrist
  563. photometry
  564. photomicrograph
  565. photomontage
  566. photomosaic
  567. photon
  568. photophobia
  569. photopic vision
  570. photopigment
  571. photoplate making
  572. photoretinitis
  573. photosensitise
  574. photosensitive
  575. photosensitivity
  576. photosensitize
  577. photosphere
  578. photostat
  579. Photostat machine
  580. photosynthesis
  581. photosynthetic
  582. phototherapy
  583. phototrophic bacteria
  584. phototropic bacteria
  585. phototropism
  586. photovoltaic
  587. photovoltaic cell
  588. Phoxinus
  589. Phoxinus phoxinus
  590. phragmacone
  591. Phragmipedium
  592. Phragmites
  593. Phragmites communis
  594. phragmocone
  595. phrasal
  596. phrasal idiom
  597. phrasal verb
  598. phrase
  599. phrase book
  600. phrase structure
  601. phraseology
  602. phrasing
  603. phratry
  604. phreatic
  605. phrenetic
  606. phrenic
  607. phrenic nerve
  608. phrenic vein
  609. phrenitis
  610. phrenological
  611. phrenologist
  612. phrenology
  613. phrontistery
  614. Phrygia
  615. Phrygian
  616. Phrygian deity
  617. Phrynosoma
  618. Phrynosoma cornutum
  619. PHS
  620. phthalic acid
  621. phthalic anhydride
  622. Phthiriidae
  623. Phthirius
  624. Phthirius pubis
  625. Phthirus
  626. phthisis
  627. Phthorimaea
  628. Phthorimaea operculella
  629. phycobilin
  630. phycocyanin
  631. phycoerythrin
  632. phycology
  633. Phycomycetes
  634. Phycomycetes group
  635. phycomycosis
  636. phylactery
  637. phyle
  638. phyletic
  639. Phyllidae
  640. phylliform
  641. Phyllitis
  642. Phyllitis scolopendrium
  643. Phyllium
  644. phyllo
  645. phylloclad
  646. Phyllocladaceae
  647. phylloclade
  648. Phyllocladus
  649. Phyllocladus alpinus
  650. Phyllocladus asplenifolius
  651. Phyllocladus trichomanoides
  652. phyllode
  653. phyllodial
  654. Phyllodoce
  655. Phyllodoce breweri
  656. Phyllodoce caerulea
  657. Phylloporus
  658. Phylloporus boletinoides
  659. phylloquinone
  660. Phyllorhynchus
  661. Phylloscopus
  662. Phylloscopus sibilatrix
  663. Phyllostachys
  664. Phyllostachys aurea
  665. Phyllostachys bambusoides
  666. Phyllostachys nigra
  667. Phyllostomatidae
  668. Phyllostomidae
  669. Phyllostomus
  670. Phyllostomus hastatus
  671. Phylloxera
  672. Phylloxera vitifoleae
  673. Phylloxeridae
  674. phylogenesis
  675. phylogenetic
  676. phylogenetic relation
  677. phylogenetically
  678. phylogeny
  679. phylum
  680. phylum Acanthocephala
  681. phylum Annelida
  682. phylum Arthropoda
  683. phylum Aschelminthes
  684. phylum Brachiopoda
  685. phylum Bryozoa
  686. phylum Chaetognatha
  687. phylum Chordata
  688. phylum Cnidaria
  689. phylum Coelenterata
  690. phylum Cryptophyta
  691. phylum Ctenophora
  692. phylum Cycliophora
  693. phylum Echinodermata
  694. phylum Ectoprocta
  695. phylum Entoprocta
  696. phylum Mollusca
  697. phylum Nematoda
  698. phylum Nemertea
  699. phylum Nemertina
  700. phylum Phoronida
  701. phylum Platyhelminthes
  702. phylum Pogonophora
  703. phylum Porifera
  704. phylum Protozoa
  705. phylum Pyrrophyta
  706. phylum Rotifera
  707. phylum Sipuncula
  708. physa
  709. Physalia
  710. Physalis
  711. Physalis alkekengi
  712. Physalis ixocarpa
  713. Physalis peruviana
  714. Physalis philadelphica
  715. Physalis pruinosa
  716. Physalis pubescens
  717. Physalis viscosa
  718. Physaria
  719. Physeter
  720. Physeter catodon
  721. Physeteridae
  722. physiatrics
  723. physic
  724. physic nut
  725. physical
  726. physical ability
  727. physical anthropology
  728. physical attraction
  729. physical body
  730. physical change
  731. physical chemistry
  732. physical composition
  733. physical condition
  734. physical contact
  735. physical education
  736. physical entity
  737. physical exercise
  738. physical exertion
  739. physical fitness
  740. physical geography
  741. physical object
  742. physical pendulum
  743. physical phenomenon
  744. physical process
  745. physical property
  746. physical rehabilitation
  747. physical restoration
  748. physical science
  749. physical structure
  750. physical therapist
  751. physical therapy
  752. physical topology
  753. physical value
  754. physicalism
  755. physicality
  756. physically
  757. physicalness
  758. physician
  759. physician-assisted suicide
  760. physician-patient privilege
  761. physicist
  762. physicochemical
  763. physics
  764. physics department
  765. physics lab
  766. physics laboratory
  767. Physidae
  768. physiognomy
  769. physiography
  770. physiologic
  771. physiological
  772. physiological anatomy
  773. physiological condition
  774. physiological jaundice of the newborn
  775. physiological nystagmus
  776. physiological property
  777. physiological psychology
  778. physiological reaction
  779. physiological sphincter
  780. physiological state
  781. physiologically
  782. physiologist
  783. physiology
  784. physiotherapeutic
  785. physiotherapist
  786. physiotherapy
  787. physique
  788. physostegia
  789. Physostegia virginiana
  790. Physostigma
  791. Physostigma venenosum
  792. physostigmine
  793. phytelephas
  794. Phytelephas macrocarpa
  795. phytochemical
  796. phytochemist
  797. phytochemistry
  798. phytohormone
  799. Phytolacca
  800. Phytolacca acinosa
  801. Phytolacca americana
  802. Phytolacca dioica
  803. Phytolaccaceae
  804. phytologist
  805. phytology
  806. Phytomastigina
  807. phytonadione
  808. phytophagic
  809. phytophagous
  810. phytophilous
  811. Phytophthora
  812. Phytophthora citrophthora
  813. Phytophthora infestans
  814. phytoplankton
  815. phytotherapy
  816. phytotoxin